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2.1 Supported operating systems

Lepton can be built and run on many Linux and *nix systems as well as on MS Win under Cygwin and on Mac. As of now, there are some troubles with building it on the latter though you can install a virtual machine with some Linux OS, e.g., Ubuntu, and install it there.

The Lepton EDA Portability wiki page contains an incomplete list of systems on which you can install Lepton either from scratch, or using the system’s package manager, as well as some recipes on how to do it.

Here is probably an incomplete list of links to packages existing for various operating systems:

Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Devuan, ...)

lepton-eda package maintained by Bdale Garbee

FreeBSD and derivatives (DragonFly BSD and Ghost Bsd)

lepton-eda port by dmn


lepton-eda port by dmn


lepton-eda build by dmn


lepton-eda ebuild by Dominique Michel


lepton-eda spec by dmn


lepton-eda and lepton-eda with gtk3 support by Ian Glen


Please see this article initially contributed by Mario Giovinazzo on how to install Lepton on Cygwin.