| Index Entry | | Section |
- | | |
| –disable-attrib: | | Configure options |
| –enable-contrib: | | Configure options |
| –enable-guild: | | Configure options |
| –with-gtk3: | | Configure options |
A | | |
| add attributes to symbol: | | Symbol Creation |
| add component dialog box: | | Add Component widget |
| add component widget: | | Add Component widget |
| arguments, command-line (lepton-update): | | lepton-update |
B | | |
| backend, switcap: | | Switcap backend |
| box selection: | | Box selection |
C | | |
| check symbol: | | Check symbols |
| close window: | | Working with windows |
| command line options, lepton-schematic: | | lepton-schematic command line options |
| command-line arguments, lepton-update: | | lepton-update |
| command-line options, lepton-update: | | lepton-update |
| communication: | | Communication |
| communication channels: | | Communication |
| compatibility with geda-gaf: | | Compatibility with geda-gaf |
| component libraries: | | Component libraries |
| component-library: | | component-library |
| component-library-command: | | component-library-command |
| component-library-funcs: | | component-library-funcs |
| component-library-search: | | component-library-search |
| config: | | Configuration |
| configuration: | | Configuration |
| configure options: | | Configure options |
| Covered: | | Covered |
| create schematic: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| create schematic file: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| create schematic files: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| create schematics: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| creating schematics: | | Creating and opening schematics |
D | | |
| debug: | | Debugging |
| debug glib: | | Debug Glib and GTK |
| debug gtk: | | Debug Glib and GTK |
| debug Scheme code: | | Debug Scheme code |
| debuggers: | | Debuggers |
| debugging: | | Debugging |
| deprecated settings: | | Deprecated settings |
| deselect all: | | Selecting and deselecting all objects |
| development: | | Development |
| dialog box: | | Dialog boxes and widgets |
| dialog boxes: | | Dialog boxes and widgets |
| dialog boxes, save as: | | Save As dialog box |
E | | |
| edit schematics: | | Editing schematics |
| edit symbol: | | Editing symbols |
| edit symbols: | | Editing symbols |
| edit symversion: | | Editing symversion attribute |
| editing schematics: | | Editing schematics |
| exit lepton-schematic: | | Quitting the program |
| export group: | | export group |
| exporting schematics: | | Printing and exporting |
F | | |
| Fonts configuration in Lepton EDA: | | Lepton EDA fonts |
G | | |
| gEDA file format: | | gEDA file format |
H | | |
| hardcode library names: | | Hardcode library names for Guile |
I | | |
| interactive symbol checking: | | Check symbols |
| introduction to lepton-schematic: | | Introduction to lepton-schematic |
| invocation (lepton-update): | | lepton-update |
L | | |
| Lepton command line utility: | | lepton-cli |
| Lepton EDA fonts: | | Lepton EDA fonts |
| lepton-cli config: | | lepton-cli config |
| lepton-cli configuration: | | lepton-cli configuration |
| lepton-cli export: | | lepton-cli export |
| lepton-cli shell: | | lepton-cli shell |
| lepton-eda packages: | | Supported operating systems |
| lepton-eda ports: | | Supported operating systems |
| lepton-eda, supported distributions: | | Supported operating systems |
| lepton-eda, supported operating systems: | | Supported operating systems |
| lepton-netlist configuration: | | lepton-netlist configuration |
| lepton-schematic command line options: | | lepton-schematic command line options |
| lepton-schematic configuration: | | lepton-schematic configuration |
| lepton-schematic window: | | lepton-schematic window |
| lepton-schematic windows: | | Working with windows |
| lepton-schematic, command-line: | | lepton-schematic command line options |
| lepton-schematic, exit: | | Quitting the program |
| lepton-schematic, introduction: | | Introduction to lepton-schematic |
| lepton-schematic, quit: | | Quitting the program |
| lepton-schematic, running: | | Running lepton-schematic |
| lepton-update command-line options: | | lepton-update |
| lepton-update, command-line: | | lepton-update |
| lepton-update, command-line arguments: | | lepton-update |
| list of programs: | | List of programs |
| log files: | | Logging |
| log widget: | | Log window |
| log window: | | Log window |
| logging: | | Logging |
M | | |
| macro widget: | | Macro widget |
| main lepton-schematic window: | | lepton-schematic window |
| main window, lepton-schematic: | | lepton-schematic window |
| menu Add: | | Menu Add |
| menu Attributes: | | Menu Attributes |
| menu Edit: | | Menu Edit |
| menu File: | | Menu File |
| menu Help: | | Menu Help |
| menu Hierarchy: | | Menu Hierarchy |
| menu Netlist: | | Menu Netlist |
| menu Options: | | Menu Options |
| menu Page: | | Menu Page |
| menu View: | | Menu View |
| missing symbols: | | Missing symbols |
N | | |
| nc symbol: | | No-connect symbols |
| netlist: | | lepton-netlist |
| netlist group: | | netlist group |
| netlist.hierarchy group: | | netlist.hierarchy group |
| netlister: | | lepton-netlist |
| no-connect symbol: | | No-connect symbols |
| no-connection symbol: | | No-connect symbols |
| non-menu actions: | | Non-menu actions |
O | | |
| object selection: | | Selecting objects |
| obsolete configuration settings: | | Obsolete settings |
| obsolete settings: | | Obsolete settings |
| open new window: | | Working with windows |
| open schematic: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| open schematic file: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| open schematics: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| opening schematic: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| opening schematic file: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| opening schematics: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| options, command-line (lepton-update): | | lepton-update |
| out-of-source build: | | Out-of-source build |
| overview: | | Overview |
P | | |
| placeholder: | | Missing symbols |
| placeholder symbol: | | Missing symbols |
| printing schematics: | | Printing and exporting |
Q | | |
| quit lepton-schematic: | | Quitting the program |
| quitting lepton-schematic: | | Quitting the program |
R | | |
| Related tools: | | Related tools |
| reset-component-library: | | reset-component-library |
| Running lepton-schematic: | | Running lepton-schematic |
S | | |
| save: | | Saving schematic pages |
| save as: | | Save As dialog box |
| save as dialog box: | | Save As dialog box |
| save pages: | | Saving schematic pages |
| save schematic pages: | | Saving schematic pages |
| save schematics: | | Saving schematic pages |
| saving: | | Saving schematic pages |
| saving pages: | | Saving schematic pages |
| saving schematic pages: | | Saving schematic pages |
| saving schematics: | | Saving schematic pages |
| schematic capture: | | lepton-schematic |
| schematic creation: | | Creating and opening schematics |
| schematic group: | | schematic group |
| schematic symbols: | | Symbols |
| schematic, edit: | | Editing schematics |
| schematic, editing: | | Editing schematics |
| schematic, save: | | Saving schematic pages |
| schematic.attrib group: | | schematic.attrib group |
| schematic.backup group: | | schematic.backup group |
| schematic.gui group: | | schematic.gui group |
| schematic.library group: | | schematic.library group |
| schematic.log-window group: | | schematic.log-window group |
| schematic.macro-widget group: | | schematic.macro-widget group |
| schematic.printing group: | | schematic.printing group |
| schematic.status-bar group: | | schematic.status-bar group |
| schematic.tabs group: | | schematic.tabs group |
| schematic.undo group: | | schematic.undo group |
| search attributes: | | Searching for text |
| search text: | | Searching for text |
| searching for attributes: | | Searching for text |
| searching for text: | | Searching for text |
| select all: | | Selecting and deselecting all objects |
| selecting objects: | | Selecting objects |
| selection box: | | Box selection |
| simple object selection: | | Simple object selection |
| spreadsheet attribute editor: | | lepton-attrib |
| startup (lepton-update): | | lepton-update |
| sw2asc: | | Switcap backend |
| switcap: | | Switcap backend |
| switcap backend: | | Switcap backend |
| switches, command-line (lepton-update): | | lepton-update |
| symbol editing: | | Editing symbols |
| symbol, add attributes: | | Symbol Creation |
| symbol, missing: | | Missing symbols |
| symbol, nc: | | No-connect symbols |
| symbol, no-connect: | | No-connect symbols |
| symbol, no-connection: | | No-connect symbols |
| symbols: | | Symbols |
| symversion, edit: | | Editing symversion attribute |
T | | |
| title block: | | Title block symbol |
| title block symbol: | | Title block symbol |
| title-block: | | Title block symbol |
| title-block symbol: | | Title block symbol |
U | | |
| use ldconfig: | | Hardcode library names for Guile |
| USE_LDCONFIG: | | Hardcode library names for Guile |
| using Scheme in GUI: | | Interactive work with Scheme code |
V | | |
| verilog code coverage: | | Covered |
| VPATH build: | | Out-of-source build |
W | | |
| window, lepton-schematic: | | lepton-schematic window |
| working with windows: | | Working with windows |