Next: , Previous: , Up: Component library setup   [Contents][Index] component-library-command

A program or set of programs can be used as a component resource. The procedure used to add such a resource from a Lepton RC file is:

(component-library-command list-command get-command name)

The code adds a new library named name. The list-command argument specifies a name of the program that will be executed with no further arguments, and should output a list of available symbol names on stdout. The get-command argument specifies another program that should take a symbol name as its only argument, and output symbol data in gEDA/gaf File Format Document on stdout.

If the command cannot successfully complete, it should exit with non-zero exit status. Anything it has output on stdout will be ignored, and any stderr output displayed to the user.

This is the contents of an example script:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
   echo "Usage: $0 symname.sym"
   echo "List symbols: $0 -l"
   echo "Get symbol: $0 symname.sym"
   exit 255

if test "$1" = "-l"; then
   echo "symname1.sym"
   echo "symname2.sym"
   if test "$1" = "symname1.sym"; then
       # symname1.sym
       echo "v 20200604 2"
       echo "L 100 100 200 200 3 0 0 0 -1 -1"
       # symname2.sym
       echo "v 20200604 2"
       echo "P 300 300 0 300 1 0 1"

As can be seen from the code, the script can function as list command, if the option -l is given, or as get command, if file name is given. Otherwise, if no arguments given, it exits with an error code. If the script is named, say,, then the following code in gafrc file will define a new component library:

(define list-command "")
(define get-command (string-append list-command " -l"))
(component-library-command list-command get-command "simple-cmd-lib")

Likewise, you can use various symbol generators written in various languages.

Next: component-library-funcs, Previous: component-library-search, Up: Component library setup   [Contents][Index]